
May 26 - 29
Georgia Trombone Summit

Edwards Instruments

Toby Oft coaches Matt Scott, Blake Lawson, Jarrad Dickey, and Jordan Stone

James Markey working with Erica Nichols

Marshall Gilkes giving feedback to Caleb McMahon, Dominick Viviano, and Austin Pancner

Led by GTS Artist Faculty

Daily rehearsals for the GTS Final Performance

James Markey speaks with Steve Jessup, Matt Driscoll, Jordan Crimminger, and Vincent Tapia

Hosted by the UGA Trombone Studio

Marshall Gilkes performs a set with the GTS Combo.

Edwards Instruments

Steve Lange works with Andrew Taylor, Leanne Hansen, Joel Clevenger, and Kyle Moore

BSO Trombone Section

Brian Conklin works with Calvin Morris, Davis Clark, Ismael Contreras, and Samuel Boeger

Daily group warmups led by GTS Faculty

Toby Oft

Griego Mouthpieces

GTS Mass Choir

Stephen Lange

BSO Section with Josh Bynum

Edwards Instruments

Stephen Lange demonstrating for Joel Clevenger

Resonant Projection Trombone Quartet: Josh Bynum, Paul Compton, Brian Conklin, and Casey Thomas

Daily Rehearsals

James Markey

Marshall Gilkes & the GTS Jazz Combo

Just for Brass: selection of music, mutes, Marcus Bonna cases, accessories, and mouthpieces

Toby Oft, Stephen Lange, Marshall Gilkes, and James Markey