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Danny Alford | DMA Trombone Performance & Pedagogy

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  • Hometown: Lexington, KY

  • Education:  University of Kentucky | BM

    •  Yale University | MM

  • Equipment:  Edwards T-350 E

  • Mouthpiece:  Scott Hartman Custom Series

  • Quote:  "There are more things in Heaven & Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.                       --- William Shakespeare

Danny Alford is currently in his final year of doctoral study at the University of Georgia studying under Dr. Josh Bynum. Prior to his studies at UGA, Danny received his Master of Music degree from the Yale University School of Music, studying under Scott Hartman, and received his Bachelor of Music in Music Education (BME) from the University of Kentucky, studying under Brad Kerns. Danny is currently a member of the University of Georgia’s Wind Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra, British Brass Band, and the Bulldog Brass Quintet.


In addition to being a member of several campus ensembles, Danny is the principal trombone with the Athens Symphony orchestra and substitute for the Spartanburg Symphony Orchestra. He has performed as a substitute with an entertainment-venue band, the Georgia Brass Band, and performs with various church ensembles in the Athens area. In addition to having performed in ensembles in several states across the U.S., Danny has had the opportunity to perform internationally with festival and chamber groups in Greece, the Czech Republic, Inner Mongolia, and China.


Danny grew up in a musical family and took voice and piano lessons from a young age. He began playing the trombone at age nine and had many successes winning principal trombone positions at the state and national levels. Danny decided to pursue music as a career not only due to his success and love of music but also because of the positive shared common experience that music brings to both performers and audience members. Danny chose UGA to pursue his DMA for several reasons: the opportunity to study with an excellent educator, Dr. Bynum, and the opportunity to perform with the prestigious Bulldog Brass Quintet under the coaching of Phil Smith.


One of Danny’s favorite musical memories is Performing Mozart’s Don Giovanni, where it was originally premiered in Prague’s Estates Theatre. Another favorite memory is reading Holst’s The Planets with the Yale Philharmonia and the joy of being a member of the exceptional ensemble.


Danny enjoys listening to music, hiking, star gazing, sci-fi, and playing computer games. In addition to performance gigs in the greater Athens area, he also tutors students in music theory and teaches private trombone lessons. His career goals are to perform with a professional ensemble and teach.

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